Danish Pastries

This is my first Blog ever and feels rather strange to be honest as I don't even subscribe or read blogs by people I like, anyway what I would like to achieve with this blog is to share recipes with people who are interested in food and cooking, for my first blog I thought I would break my duck with a recipe for Danish Pastries. The recipe is pretty straight forward but the method of building the layers in the pastry not so, I've tried to write it so its easy to understand and visualise. Good luck and enjoy....

Danish Pastries

9oz Medium Flour
1 ¼ oz yeast
5 oz Chilled Milk
2 oz Eggs
6oz Pastry Marg


Almond - Equal Quantities of ground almonds, sugar, butter

Pastry cream – 1pt Milk, 4oz Castor sugar, 4 Egg yolks, 2oz Flour,Vanilla
(Alternative) – 1pt Milk, 2oz Castor, 1 Egg, 2oz Cornflour, Vanilla
Warm Milk, 
Cream eggs and sugar together,then add Vanilla and flour, 
Pour warm milk over egg mix and stir
return mixture to the pan and warm gently until the mixture thickens, 
cool and use as required.
Apple Puree – 1lb Apple, 4oz Sugar, Knob Butter


1, Sieve the Flour and make a well
2, Mix the yeast with the egg and milk
3, Pour into the well, mix lightly, Do Not Toughen by overworking
4, Roll out the dough, Approx 8” x 15” rectangle, cover 2/3 with the marg
5, fold the remaining 1/3 onto the centre and the whole into 3 as in puff pastry.(This will give a sort of flat Swiss roll effect when viewed from the side with pastry and marg swirling around each other)
6, Proceed to give it 3 half turns and lastly 1 fold over, give about 10 mins rest between turns. ( 1 turn = turning the pastry so one of the Swiss roll ends is facing you and  rolling it back out  into a 8” x 15” rectangle before folding the pastry back in three like a Swiss Roll )
    Allow 20 mins before use.


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