Home made puff pastry

Puff pastry isn't to difficult to make  just time consuming  it tastes better than bought and is well worth the effort for that special occasion. For an even better flavour substitute the cake margarine for butter.


1 lb Strong flour
2 oz Cake Margarine(Soft Yellow)
9 oz Cold water
1/4 oz Salt
14 oz Pastry Margarine(Hard White)
Juice of 1/4 Lemon


1. Mix the flour, cake margarine and salt until it forms bread crumbs
2.Make a well in the centre and add the water and lemon juice, mix and then knead.
3.Flour your work surface and roll out the pastry into a oblong 12" by 6" approx
4 Shape the pastry margarine into a oblong 8" by 6" approx and put on top of the pastry leaving 4" uncovered at one end.
5.Fold the uncovered pastry over the margarine and into the middle, then fold in half again to give a Swiss roll effect with pastry separated with margarine. make sure you keep the oblong shape.
6.Keeping the pastry on the board rotate it 45 degrees so one of the open ends is facing you, then roll it out into a 12" by 6" oblong.
7.Fold the bottom third of the pastry into the middle then pull the top third over the top as before.
8.Repeat stage 6 and 7. this is called two turns. after two turns the pastry needs time to rest so wrap it in cling film and place in the refrigerator for 1/2 hour.
9.Remove the cling film and do two more turns then return to the refrigerator.
10.Do the last two turns of the pastry when you need to use it


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