Vegetable samosa's

I made these today with a little help from my daughter!  not much help in the preparation or cooking just the consumption, she said they tasted so much better than shop bought, I'd have to agree  although I didn't get to try that many because every time i turned around to get one she'd had them, hope you enjoy them as much as Emily did!

Vegetable Samosa Filling

1 Potato finely diced (5 to 10 mill cubes)
1 carrot finely diced - as above
2 cloves of crushed garlic.
1 Onion finely chopped
1 Cup of frozen peas
1 tblspn vegetable oil
2 tspn curry powder or your own spices according to taste
Salt, Pepper to taste.
100ml of vegetable stock.
Heat the oil in a frying pan, add the onion and garlic, mix in  the spices and fry until soft. Add the vegetables, seasoning and stir well until coated. Add the stock, cover and simmer for 30 minutes until cooked.
remove to a clean container and allow to cool down before use.
Now it's time for the pastry.

Samosa Pastry

This recipe will make enough pastry for 24 Samosa's:

225gm. plain flour
2 tspn. salt
2 tblsp.vegetable oil
80 ml warm water.

Mix flour and salt into a bowl. Make a well into the centre and add the oil and enough water to make a firm dough. Knead the dough on a floured surface until smooth and roll into a ball. Cover in plastic wrap and set aside at room temperature for 30 minutes.
Divide the pastry into 12 equal pieces. In your hands roll each piece into a round ball, then using a rolling pin roll out into a translucent circle of about 15 cm. Divide this circle into two equal pieces with a knife.
if your right handed with the pastry still  flat on the work top turn the pastry so the straight edge is on the left, now imagine your going to divide this half circle into 3 pieces of pie  Brush the top 1/3 of the pie with a little water bring that edge down and around the remaining 2/3 and form a cone shape around your fingers, sealing the dampened edge.
Fill the cases with a tablespoon  of your  mixture, fold in the front edge and dampen the back edge with a little more water  then fold this over to seal the Samosa.

Deep fry the Samosa's in hot oil until crisp and brown take out and drain on a paper towel.


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