Homemade Puff Pastry

Puff Pastry
Proper puff pastry isn’t so hard to make, it is however very time consuming as you have to keep building up the layers and performing turns. This method requires 6 turns in total.
I have tried to make the directions as easy as possible and hope you can understand what I am trying to demonstrate good luck and enjoy.
p.s. if you want a real treat substitute the pastry margarine for butter.


1lb Strong Flour
2oz Cake Margarine (soft yellow fat)
9oz Cold Water
¼ oz Salt
14oz Pastry Margarine (White pliable fat)
¼ lemon (juice)


1. Mix the flour, cake margarine and salt
2. Add the lemon juice to the water
3. Make a bay in the flour, add the water and juice
4. Mix and then gently kneed the pastry into a ball wrap in Clingfilm and allow to rest in the fridge for ½ an hour
5. Dust the worktop with flour and roll and shape the pastry into an oblong approximately 30cm long by 15cm wide
6. With floured hands shape the Pastry margarine into an oblong approximately 20cm by 15cm and place on top of the pastry leaving the 10cm flap at the top
7. Fold the 10cm flap of pastry over the top of the pastry margarine then fold down one more time like a Swiss roll so the pastry margarine is completely enveloped within the pastry.
8. You should now have in front of you a block of pastry approx 10cm long by 15 cm wide, flour the worktop again and carefully roll the pastry back out until it is a 30cm long rectangle again without it becoming any wider.
9. As before fold the top 10cm down and the bottom 10cm up leaving you with the 10cm by 15cm oblong again.
10. You now have to turn the pastry by 90 degrees so the open ends of the pastry are facing you before rolling it back out into an oblong approximately 30cm long by 15cm wide again and rolling back up, (this is called two turns)
11. After 2 turns wrap the pastry in greaseproof paper and refrigerate for ½ an hour.
12. Complete 2 more turns and return to the refrigerator for ½ an hour.
13. Complete the final 2 turns when the pastry is needed


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