Hot cross buns

Hot cross buns
1lb 3oz Strong flour
3oz Margarine
3oz Sugar
1 Egg
1oz Milk Powder
1 ½ oz Fresh yeast
¼ oz Bread improver
¼ oz Mixed spice
2 Drops bun spice essence
¼ oz Salt
1 ½ oz Currants
1 ½ oz Sultanas
8oz Water (2oz Cold, 6oz Hot)

Crossing Paste

1lb flour
5oz oil
1Pt Water
(make quantity as required)

Bun Glaze

1lb Sugar
1Pt Water
4 Leaves gelatine
(Make Quantity as required)


Place all dry ingredients except sugar in a bowl, add margarine and rub in.
Whisk the egg and sugar
Mix yeast with cold water
Add egg and yeast mixtures to the dry ingredients
Add hot water essence and mixed spice
Knead to a smooth dough cover and rest for ¾ hour (Bulk fermentation Time)
Add Currents and Sultanas
Split into 2oz rounds and shape
Put in straight lines onto a baking tray and pipe on the crossing paste wit a fine paper piping bag
Allow to prove and then bake at 240C 475 F for 8-12 minutes until golden

Prepare Crossing paste by beating all ingredients together to form a smooth gluey paste

Prepare bun glaze by melting the sugar in the water over a gentle heat, soak gelatine in a little cold water until soft and then add to the warm sugar solution stir until completely dissolved. Brush onto the hot cross buns whilst still hot from the oven


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